Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting
Mendel Cooper
10 Mar 2014
Revision History | ||
Revision 6.5 | 05 Apr 2012 | Revised by: mc |
'TUNGSTENBERRY' release | ||
Revision 6.6 | 27 Nov 2012 | Revised by: mc |
'YTTERBIUMBERRY' release | ||
Revision 10 | 10 Mar 2014 | Revised by: mc |
'PUBLICDOMAIN' release |
This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of
scripting or programming, yet progresses rapidly toward an
intermediate/advanced level of instruction . . . all
the while sneaking in little nuggets of UNIX® wisdom and lore. It
serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and as a reference and
source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques. The exercises
and heavily-commented examples invite active reader participation,
under the premise that the only way to really learn
scripting is to write scripts.
This book is suitable for classroom use as a general introduction to programming concepts.
This document is herewith granted to the Public Domain. No copyright!
This book is suitable for classroom use as a general introduction to programming concepts.
This document is herewith granted to the Public Domain. No copyright!
For Anita, the source of all the magic- Table of Contents
- Part 1. Introduction
- Part 2. Basics
- Part 3. Beyond the Basics
- Part 4. Commands
- Part 5. Advanced Topics
- 18. Regular Expressions
- 19. Here Documents
- 20. I/O Redirection
- 21. Subshells
- 22. Restricted Shells
- 23. Process Substitution
- 24. Functions
- 25. Aliases
- 26. List Constructs
- 27. Arrays
- 28. Indirect References
- 29. /dev and /proc
- 30. Network Programming
- 31. Of Zeros and Nulls
- 32. Debugging
- 33. Options
- 34. Gotchas
- 35. Scripting With Style
- 36. Miscellany
- 37. Bash, versions 2, 3, and 4
- 38. Endnotes
- 38.1. Author's Note
- 38.2. About the Author
- 38.3. Where to Go For Help
- 38.4. Tools Used to Produce This Book
- 38.5. Credits
- 38.6. Disclaimer
- Bibliography
- A. Contributed Scripts
- B. Reference Cards
- C. A Sed and Awk Micro-Primer
- D. Parsing and Managing Pathnames
- E. Exit Codes With Special Meanings
- F. A Detailed Introduction to I/O and I/O Redirection
- G. Command-Line Options
- H. Important Files
- I. Important System Directories
- J. An Introduction to Programmable Completion
- K. Localization
- L. History Commands
- M. Sample .bashrc and .bash_profile Files
- N. Converting DOS Batch Files to Shell Scripts
- O. Exercises
- O.1. Analyzing Scripts
- O.2. Writing Scripts
- P. Revision History
- Q. Download and Mirror Sites
- R. To Do List
- S. Copyright
- T. ASCII Table
- Index
- List of Tables
- 8-1. Operator Precedence
- 15-1. Job identifiers
- 33-1. Bash options
- 36-1. Numbers representing colors in Escape Sequences
- B-1. Special Shell Variables
- B-2. TEST Operators: Binary Comparison
- B-3. TEST Operators: Files
- B-4. Parameter Substitution and Expansion
- B-5. String Operations
- B-6. Miscellaneous Constructs
- C-1. Basic sed operators
- C-2. Examples of sed operators
- E-1. Reserved Exit Codes
- N-1. Batch file keywords / variables / operators, and their shell equivalents
- N-2. DOS commands and their UNIX equivalents
- P-1. Revision History
- List of Examples
- 2-1. cleanup: A script to clean up log files in /var/log
- 2-2. cleanup: An improved clean-up script
- 2-3. cleanup: An enhanced and generalized version of above scripts.
- 3-1. Code blocks and I/O redirection
- 3-2. Saving the output of a code block to a file
- 3-3. Running a loop in the background
- 3-4. Backup of all files changed in last day
- 4-1. Variable assignment and substitution
- 4-2. Plain Variable Assignment
- 4-3. Variable Assignment, plain and fancy
- 4-4. Integer or string?
- 4-5. Positional Parameters
- 4-6. wh, whois domain name lookup
- 4-7. Using shift
- 5-1. Echoing Weird Variables
- 5-2. Escaped Characters
- 5-3. Detecting key-presses
- 6-1. exit / exit status
- 6-2. Negating a condition using !
- 7-1. What is truth?
- 7-2. Equivalence of test, /usr/bin/test, [ ], and /usr/bin/[
- 7-3. Arithmetic Tests using (( ))
- 7-4. Testing for broken links
- 7-5. Arithmetic and string comparisons
- 7-6. Testing whether a string is null
- 7-7. zmore
- 8-1. Greatest common divisor
- 8-2. Using Arithmetic Operations
- 8-3. Compound Condition Tests Using && and ||
- 8-4. Representation of numerical constants
- 8-5. C-style manipulation of variables
- 9-1. $IFS and whitespace
- 9-2. Timed Input
- 9-3. Once more, timed input
- 9-4. Timed read
- 9-5. Am I root?
- 9-6. arglist: Listing arguments with $* and $@
- 9-7. Inconsistent $* and $@ behavior
- 9-8. $* and $@ when $IFS is empty
- 9-9. Underscore variable
- 9-10. Using declare to type variables
- 9-11. Generating random numbers
- 9-12. Picking a random card from a deck
- 9-13. Brownian Motion Simulation
- 9-14. Random between values
- 9-15. Rolling a single die with RANDOM
- 9-16. Reseeding RANDOM
- 9-17. Pseudorandom numbers, using awk
- 10-1. Inserting a blank line between paragraphs in a text file
- 10-2. Generating an 8-character "random" string
- 10-3. Converting graphic file formats, with filename change
- 10-4. Converting streaming audio files to ogg
- 10-5. Emulating getopt
- 10-6. Alternate ways of extracting and locating substrings
- 10-7. Using parameter substitution and error messages
- 10-8. Parameter substitution and "usage" messages
- 10-9. Length of a variable
- 10-10. Pattern matching in parameter substitution
- 10-11. Renaming file extensions:
- 10-12. Using pattern matching to parse arbitrary strings
- 10-13. Matching patterns at prefix or suffix of string
- 11-1. Simple for loops
- 11-2. for loop with two parameters in each [list] element
- 11-3. Fileinfo: operating on a file list contained in a variable
- 11-4. Operating on a parameterized file list
- 11-5. Operating on files with a for loop
- 11-6. Missing in [list] in a for loop
- 11-7. Generating the [list] in a for loop with command substitution
- 11-8. A grep replacement for binary files
- 11-9. Listing all users on the system
- 11-10. Checking all the binaries in a directory for authorship
- 11-11. Listing the symbolic links in a directory
- 11-12. Symbolic links in a directory, saved to a file
- 11-13. A C-style for loop
- 11-14. Using efax in batch mode
- 11-15. Simple while loop
- 11-16. Another while loop
- 11-17. while loop with multiple conditions
- 11-18. C-style syntax in a while loop
- 11-19. until loop
- 11-20. Nested Loop
- 11-21. Effects of break and continue in a loop
- 11-22. Breaking out of multiple loop levels
- 11-23. Continuing at a higher loop level
- 11-24. Using continue N in an actual task
- 11-25. Using case
- 11-26. Creating menus using case
- 11-27. Using command substitution to generate the case variable
- 11-28. Simple string matching
- 11-29. Checking for alphabetic input
- 11-30. Creating menus using select
- 11-31. Creating menus using select in a function
- 12-1. Stupid script tricks
- 12-2. Generating a variable from a loop
- 12-3. Finding anagrams
- 15-1. A script that spawns multiple instances of itself
- 15-2. printf in action
- 15-3. Variable assignment, using read
- 15-4. What happens when read has no variable
- 15-5. Multi-line input to read
- 15-6. Detecting the arrow keys
- 15-7. Using read with file redirection
- 15-8. Problems reading from a pipe
- 15-9. Changing the current working directory
- 15-10. Letting let do arithmetic.
- 15-11. Showing the effect of eval
- 15-12. Using eval to select among variables
- 15-13. Echoing the command-line parameters
- 15-14. Forcing a log-off
- 15-15. A version of rot13
- 15-16. Using set with positional parameters
- 15-17. Reversing the positional parameters
- 15-18. Reassigning the positional parameters
- 15-19. "Unsetting" a variable
- 15-20. Using export to pass a variable to an embedded awk script
- 15-21. Using getopts to read the options/arguments passed to a script
- 15-22. "Including" a data file
- 15-23. A (useless) script that sources itself
- 15-24. Effects of exec
- 15-25. A script that exec's itself
- 15-26. Waiting for a process to finish before proceeding
- 15-27. A script that kills itself
- 16-1. Using ls to create a table of contents for burning a CDR disk
- 16-2. Hello or Good-bye
- 16-3. Badname, eliminate file names in current directory containing bad characters and whitespace.
- 16-4. Deleting a file by its inode number
- 16-5. Logfile: Using xargs to monitor system log
- 16-6. Copying files in current directory to another
- 16-7. Killing processes by name
- 16-8. Word frequency analysis using xargs
- 16-9. Using expr
- 16-10. Using date
- 16-11. Date calculations
- 16-12. Word Frequency Analysis
- 16-13. Which files are scripts?
- 16-14. Generating 10-digit random numbers
- 16-15. Using tail to monitor the system log
- 16-16. Printing out the From lines in stored e-mail messages
- 16-17. Emulating grep in a script
- 16-18. Crossword puzzle solver
- 16-19. Looking up definitions in Webster's 1913 Dictionary
- 16-20. Checking words in a list for validity
- 16-21. toupper: Transforms a file to all uppercase.
- 16-22. lowercase: Changes all filenames in working directory to lowercase.
- 16-23. du: DOS to UNIX text file conversion.
- 16-24. rot13: ultra-weak encryption.
- 16-25. Generating "Crypto-Quote" Puzzles
- 16-26. Formatted file listing.
- 16-27. Using column to format a directory listing
- 16-28. nl: A self-numbering script.
- 16-29. manview: Viewing formatted manpages
- 16-30. Using cpio to move a directory tree
- 16-31. Unpacking an rpm archive
- 16-32. Stripping comments from C program files
- 16-33. Exploring /usr/X11R6/bin
- 16-34. An "improved" strings command
- 16-35. Using cmp to compare two files within a script.
- 16-36. basename and dirname
- 16-37. A script that copies itself in sections
- 16-38. Checking file integrity
- 16-39. Uudecoding encoded files
- 16-40. Finding out where to report a spammer
- 16-41. Analyzing a spam domain
- 16-42. Getting a stock quote
- 16-43. Updating FC4
- 16-44. Using ssh
- 16-45. A script that mails itself
- 16-46. Generating prime numbers
- 16-47. Monthly Payment on a Mortgage
- 16-48. Base Conversion
- 16-49. Invoking bc using a here document
- 16-50. Calculating PI
- 16-51. Converting a decimal number to hexadecimal
- 16-52. Factoring
- 16-53. Calculating the hypotenuse of a triangle
- 16-54. Using seq to generate loop arguments
- 16-55. Letter Count"
- 16-56. Using getopt to parse command-line options
- 16-57. A script that copies itself
- 16-58. Exercising dd
- 16-59. Capturing Keystrokes
- 16-60. Preparing a bootable SD card for the Raspberry Pi
- 16-61. Securely deleting a file
- 16-62. Filename generator
- 16-63. Converting meters to miles
- 16-64. Using m4
- 17-1. Setting a new password
- 17-2. Setting an erase character
- 17-3. secret password: Turning off terminal echoing
- 17-4. Keypress detection
- 17-5. Checking a remote server for identd
- 17-6. pidof helps kill a process
- 17-7. Checking a CD image
- 17-8. Creating a filesystem in a file
- 17-9. Adding a new hard drive
- 17-10. Using umask to hide an output file from prying eyes
- 17-11. Backlight: changes the brightness of the (laptop) screen backlight
- 17-12. killall, from /etc/rc.d/init.d
- 19-1. broadcast: Sends message to everyone logged in
- 19-2. dummyfile: Creates a 2-line dummy file
- 19-3. Multi-line message using cat
- 19-4. Multi-line message, with tabs suppressed
- 19-5. Here document with replaceable parameters
- 19-6. Upload a file pair to Sunsite incoming directory
- 19-7. Parameter substitution turned off
- 19-8. A script that generates another script
- 19-9. Here documents and functions
- 19-10. "Anonymous" Here Document
- 19-11. Commenting out a block of code
- 19-12. A self-documenting script
- 19-13. Prepending a line to a file
- 19-14. Parsing a mailbox
- 20-1. Redirecting stdin using exec
- 20-2. Redirecting stdout using exec
- 20-3. Redirecting both stdin and stdout in the same script with exec
- 20-4. Avoiding a subshell
- 20-5. Redirected while loop
- 20-6. Alternate form of redirected while loop
- 20-7. Redirected until loop
- 20-8. Redirected for loop
- 20-9. Redirected for loop (both stdin and stdout redirected)
- 20-10. Redirected if/then test
- 20-11. Data file for above examples
- 20-12. Logging events
- 21-1. Variable scope in a subshell
- 21-2. List User Profiles
- 21-3. Running parallel processes in subshells
- 22-1. Running a script in restricted mode
- 23-1. Code block redirection without forking
- 23-2. Redirecting the output of process substitution into a loop.
- 24-1. Simple functions
- 24-2. Function Taking Parameters
- 24-3. Functions and command-line args passed to the script
- 24-4. Passing an indirect reference to a function
- 24-5. Dereferencing a parameter passed to a function
- 24-6. Again, dereferencing a parameter passed to a function
- 24-7. Maximum of two numbers
- 24-8. Converting numbers to Roman numerals
- 24-9. Testing large return values in a function
- 24-10. Comparing two large integers
- 24-11. Real name from username
- 24-12. Local variable visibility
- 24-13. Demonstration of a simple recursive function
- 24-14. Another simple demonstration
- 24-15. Recursion, using a local variable
- 24-16. The Fibonacci Sequence
- 24-17. The Towers of Hanoi
- 25-1. Aliases within a script
- 25-2. unalias: Setting and unsetting an alias
- 26-1. Using an and list to test for command-line arguments
- 26-2. Another command-line arg test using an and list
- 26-3. Using or lists in combination with an and list
- 27-1. Simple array usage
- 27-2. Formatting a poem
- 27-3. Various array operations
- 27-4. String operations on arrays
- 27-5. Loading the contents of a script into an array
- 27-6. Some special properties of arrays
- 27-7. Of empty arrays and empty elements
- 27-8. Initializing arrays
- 27-9. Copying and concatenating arrays
- 27-10. More on concatenating arrays
- 27-11. The Bubble Sort
- 27-12. Embedded arrays and indirect references
- 27-13. The Sieve of Eratosthenes
- 27-14. The Sieve of Eratosthenes, Optimized
- 27-15. Emulating a push-down stack
- 27-16. Complex array application: Exploring a weird mathematical series
- 27-17. Simulating a two-dimensional array, then tilting it
- 28-1. Indirect Variable References
- 28-2. Passing an indirect reference to awk
- 29-1. Using /dev/tcp for troubleshooting
- 29-2. Playing music
- 29-3. Finding the process associated with a PID
- 29-4. On-line connect status
- 30-1. Print the server environment
- 30-2. IP addresses
- 31-1. Hiding the cookie jar
- 31-2. Setting up a swapfile using /dev/zero
- 31-3. Creating a ramdisk
- 32-1. A buggy script
- 32-2. Missing keyword
- 32-3. test24: another buggy script
- 32-4. Testing a condition with an assert
- 32-5. Trapping at exit
- 32-6. Cleaning up after Control-C
- 32-7. A Simple Implementation of a Progress Bar
- 32-8. Tracing a variable
- 32-9. Running multiple processes (on an SMP box)
- 34-1. Numerical and string comparison are not equivalent
- 34-2. Subshell Pitfalls
- 34-3. Piping the output of echo to a read
- 36-1. shell wrapper
- 36-2. A slightly more complex shell wrapper
- 36-3. A generic shell wrapper that writes to a logfile
- 36-4. A shell wrapper around an awk script
- 36-5. A shell wrapper around another awk script
- 36-6. Perl embedded in a Bash script
- 36-7. Bash and Perl scripts combined
- 36-8. Python embedded in a Bash script
- 36-9. A script that speaks
- 36-10. A (useless) script that recursively calls itself
- 36-11. A (useful) script that recursively calls itself
- 36-12. Another (useful) script that recursively calls itself
- 36-13. A "colorized" address database
- 36-14. Drawing a box
- 36-15. Echoing colored text
- 36-16. A "horserace" game
- 36-17. A Progress Bar
- 36-18. Return value trickery
- 36-19. Even more return value trickery
- 36-20. Passing and returning arrays
- 36-21. Fun with anagrams
- 36-22. Widgets invoked from a shell script
- 36-23. Test Suite
- 37-1. String expansion
- 37-2. Indirect variable references - the new way
- 37-3. Simple database application, using indirect variable referencing
- 37-4. Using arrays and other miscellaneous trickery to deal four random hands from a deck of cards
- 37-5. A simple address database
- 37-6. A somewhat more elaborate address database
- 37-7. Testing characters
- 37-8. Reading N characters
- 37-9. Using a here document to set a variable
- 37-10. Piping input to a read
- 37-11. Negative array indices
- 37-12. Negative parameter in string-extraction construct
- A-1. mailformat: Formatting an e-mail message
- A-2. rn: A simple-minded file renaming utility
- A-3. blank-rename: Renames filenames containing blanks
- A-4. encryptedpw: Uploading to an ftp site, using a locally encrypted password
- A-5. copy-cd: Copying a data CD
- A-6. Collatz series
- A-7. days-between: Days between two dates
- A-8. Making a dictionary
- A-9. Soundex conversion
- A-10. Game of Life
- A-11. Data file for Game of Life
- A-12. behead: Removing mail and news message headers
- A-13. password: Generating random 8-character passwords
- A-14. fifo: Making daily backups, using named pipes
- A-15. Generating prime numbers using the modulo operator
- A-16. tree: Displaying a directory tree
- A-17. tree2: Alternate directory tree script
- A-18. string functions: C-style string functions
- A-19. Directory information
- A-20. Library of hash functions
- A-21. Colorizing text using hash functions
- A-22. More on hash functions
- A-23. Mounting USB keychain storage devices
- A-24. Converting to HTML
- A-25. Preserving weblogs
- A-26. Protecting literal strings
- A-27. Unprotecting literal strings
- A-28. Spammer Identification
- A-29. Spammer Hunt
- A-30. Making wget easier to use
- A-31. A podcasting script
- A-32. Nightly backup to a firewire HD
- A-33. An expanded cd command
- A-34. A soundcard setup script
- A-35. Locating split paragraphs in a text file
- A-36. Insertion sort
- A-37. Standard Deviation
- A-38. A pad file generator for shareware authors
- A-39. A man page editor
- A-40. Petals Around the Rose
- A-41. Quacky: a Perquackey-type word game
- A-42. Nim
- A-43. A command-line stopwatch
- A-44. An all-purpose shell scripting homework assignment solution
- A-45. The Knight's Tour
- A-46. Magic Squares
- A-47. Fifteen Puzzle
- A-48. The Towers of Hanoi, graphic version
- A-49. The Towers of Hanoi, alternate graphic version
- A-50. An alternate version of the script
- A-51. The version of the example used in the Tab Expansion appendix
- A-52. Cycling through all the possible color backgrounds
- A-53. Morse Code Practice
- A-54. Base64 encoding/decoding
- A-55. Inserting text in a file using sed
- A-56. The Gronsfeld Cipher
- A-57. Bingo Number Generator
- A-58. Basics Reviewed
- A-59. Testing execution times of various commands
- A-60. Associative arrays vs. conventional arrays (execution times)
- C-1. Counting Letter Occurrences
- J-1. Completion script for
- M-1. Sample .bashrc file
- M-2. .bash_profile file
- N-1. VIEWDATA.BAT: DOS Batch File
- N-2. Shell Script Conversion of VIEWDATA.BAT
- T-1. A script that generates an ASCII table
- T-2. Another ASCII table script
- T-3. A third ASCII table script, using awk
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